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Basic Programming 4

Tuesday, August 28th. 23:29 (add the time, for more 'GREGET')

Holla hop everyone!!
Finally, touch down “Basic Programming 4”
I am going to continue our last topic. Do you remember??
Correct!! About the operator. I have told you about, arithmetic, increment and decrement operator. There are two operator left, Logic operator, and relations operator.
Relations operator is used to compare two values and to show the connection between them.
Relations operator consist of : >, >=, <, <=, ==(are equal), != (aren’t equal)
This is the example how to use this operator.
public class Relasi
public static void main (String [] args)
                int a=10;
                int b=5;

                if (a>b)
                {System.out.print ("Ya, a>b");}
                {System.out.print ("Tidak benar a>b");}

That the simple explanation about relations operator.

How about this one?
This codes will show us the different between x++ and ++x (our last topic about Decrement and increment)

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Relasi1
public static void main (String [] args)
                int a;
                System.out.println("Masukkan bilangan 1: ");
                Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
                a= scan.nextInt();
                //Lebih besar sama dengan
                if (a>=++a)
                if (a>=a++)


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Basic About Programming 3

Monday, August 26th '13
Holla hop!! ^^
I hope you still stay in my blog and contin
the third post for today, i know. what can I do, the senior, called Mr.Handy asked us to do it.
Every theory that we has anyalyze it, "Don't forget to update in your blog", said him.
Walla!! He gave us many assignment, what a kind person, isn't it??

Ok. My last blog talk about Arithmetic Operator, and now we wanna talk about

Increment: ++
Decrement: - -

Increment add 1to its variabel. There are two kind of increment. 
//Menggunakan angka++

public class Hitung5
public static void main (String [] args)
int a=10;


Menggunakan angka++

public class Hitung5
public static void main (String [] args)
int a=10;



Menggunakan --angka

public class Hitung6
public static void main (String [] args)
int a=10;



//Menggunakan angka--

public class Hitung6
public static void main (String [] args)
int a=10;


From the picture, I hope you understand what I mean, what the differences,. don't forget to keep trying...
Hidup coding ^^

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Basic About Programming 1

Monday, August 26th '13
Do all of you love monday?? Actually I love this monday . . .
(Is it important? Ok, it ISN'T!! Back to the main idea ^^!!)

Today, we (me and my friends in SEAMOLEC) taught about Programming ('again' for IT Education Student).
So why does it become so special?? Why I look so enthusiastic?
I don't know. There's nothing special, honestly. The differences just one, we SHOULD, MUST, HAVE TO, type our code on notepad. Netbean is prohibited!! Cos the true programmer use Notepad, that was Mr.Handy said. Even a hacker use notepad to write their program, Mr.Handy added more.

Ok, Alright, Fine!!
Use Notepad? Why not!!

Now, lets talk about the basic theory of Programming.
First, we talked about the difference between 'println', '\t', and '\n'
After do some analyzes, I can conclude that println (in syntax System.out.println) has the same function as '\n', for make a new line. The difference is,  use '\n' makes the source code look shorter. Look this picture :

public class Latihan
public static void main (String [] args)
menggunakan print
System.out.print("Nama Saya Desy");
System.out.print("Kuliah di Solo");
Berikut hasilnya: 

public class Latihan
public static void main (String [] args)
menggunakan println
System.out.println("Nama Saya Desy");
System.out.print("Kuliah di Solo");

public class Latihan
public static void main (String [] args)
menggunakan \n
System.out.print("Nama Saya Desy\nKuliah d");

Can you see that? By '\n', the source code is more shorter. We just need to write one 'System.out.println', but still can make a new paragraph.
Ok, just that for the first post. Find me on another time,palce, another time. :D
Last one, if you wanna ask something you may comment in these post, or find me on twitter, or blablabla

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Basic about Programming 2

Monday, August 26th '13
Holla hoppp. ^^
Next, I want you to know about the operator.
In Java, we know 4 operators.

 First is Arithmetic Operator
Consist of:  +, -, *, /, and %(modulus)
I'm sure the you well know about that operator.For  %(modulus), it maybe new for some people. 
Modulus is the rest of the result of two number
@ 10%3=1, cause 10/3=3, and the rest is 3
@ 100%6=4, cause 10/4=2, and the rest is 2
@100%11= 1, cause 10/4=2, and the rest is 2

How to wrte the syntax? This an example:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hitung2
public static void main (String [] args)
int a,b,jum,kur,ba,ka,mod;

Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
System.out.print("Masukkan nilai a:");

a =  scan.nextInt();

System.out.print("Masukkan nilai b:");
b =  scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("\nHasil Penjumlahan dua bilangan adalah:"+jum);
System.out.println("Hasil Pengurangan dua bilangan adalah:"+kur);
System.out.println("Hasil Pembagian dua bilangan adalah:"+ba);
System.out.println("Hasil Perkalian dua bilangan adalah:"+ka);
System.out.println("Hasil Modulus dua bilangan adalah:"+mod);

Ok. just that about arithmetic operator. Happy Coding Guys!!

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Sistem Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

Pembelajaran jarak jauh atau disingkat PJJ. Pasti anda tidak asing lagi dengan istilah tersebut. Pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah sekumpulan metode pengajaran dimana aktivitas dosenan dilaksanakan secara terpisah dari aktivitas belajar. Beberapa bentuk PJJ adalah:

- Program pendidikan mandiri
- Program tatap muka yang diadakan di beberapa tempat pada waktu yang telah
ditentukan, informasi pendidikan tetap disampaikan, dengan/tanpa interaksi dari
peserta didik.
- Program yang tidak terikat pada jadwal pertemuan, di satu atau banyak tempat.

Tidak terikat waktu, dan tempat? 
Mungkin anda bertanya - tanya bagaimana rasanya di tempat seperti itu. Bagaimanakah pengalaman – pengalaman peserta didik dalam menempuh sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh??
Jawabannya ada pada pembahasan di bawah ini.
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Selamat membaca

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