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Miracle Worker (Synopsis of Hellen Keller Movie)

I was confused what should I post, but I really want to type something. So, i decided to share about a movie, titled Miracle Worker. It release on Juni, 2001. Hahaha, I know, its a long long time ago. But I have a reason why I shared this movie.
In my opinion,  this movie is really good, has many moral value. Ecieeeh  (^.^)

This movie is about Hellen Keller. I'm sure that you ever heard that name.
I'll tell you shortly, Hellen Keller was deafblind, at first. She became like that since she was 19 months. But she is finally succes and earn Bachelor of Arts Degree. For more you may read it in Wikipedia .
Allright, back to the main point.

The story tell us how Hellen Keller met Anne Sullivan, her special teacher, whom help Hellen to know and learn everything. 
First thing Miss Sullivan did was try to control Hellen emotion. Why?
Cause at first, maybe because of her deafblind that made she didn't know anything, she became an emotional girl. and uncontrolled, even with her parents. 
Then, Miss Sullivan introduced Hellen word. It looks useless for Hellens Parents, and people around her, but Miss Anne kept do it. 
One by one, Miss Sullivan told Hellen many words by hand  (sign) languange. It isn't easy, cause Hellen didn't like Miss Sullivan.

Favorite Part:
I like when Miss Sullivan and  Hellen Keller fight until make her dining room look like  a breaking ship. It happened twice. 
But the most favorite is when Miss Sulivan lead Hellen to a pump, and in that place Hellen Keller say it first word, 'WATER' AMAZING!!
Well, maybe I ain't good in advertising this movie, but I really recommend this movie guys. Beside that, I really like the costum and the situation on this movie. I love it.

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